Английский язык

How do our muscles help us move

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Английский язык, 01.03.2019 17:10, StepaBeng
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Английский язык, 02.03.2019 14:30, Элинка235
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Английский язык, 02.03.2019 17:40, vladik28092006
Нужно ! перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в нужную видовременную форму, назовите её, переведите предложения на язык: образец: yesterday we (to play) football. - yesterday we played football, (played - past simple) вчера мы играли в футбол. 1) last week
i (to go) to the stadium with my friends. 2) my sister (to want) to become an actress. 3) we (to spend) next summer at the seaside. 4) usually i (to have) three training lessons a week. 5) he (to pass) all the exams last month. 6) tomorrow you (to be) 20 years old. 7) margie (not to like) basketball, but she (to like) tennis very much. 8) it (to be) nice weather yesterday, but it (to be) too hot today.
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Английский язык, 02.03.2019 19:10, 2345tgbkl
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Английский язык, 03.03.2019 09:20, 05Adam05
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Английский язык, 03.03.2019 13:50, TookteR
Переведите текст. michael faraday (1791 - 1867) michael was the third of four children of james and margaret faraday. he was born on 22 september, 1791, in london. the family was poor and michael later recollected that he was once given a piece of bread for a week. at 13 the young michael became a newspaper delivery boy, so michael gained a large and changing library. some of those newspapers
and books fired his love for science. "conversation on chemistry" remained his favorite for his long life. encyclopedia britannica introduced him to electricity. meanwhile, a group of young men had begin to meet in london to discuss scientific problems. they called themselves the city philosophical society. faraday met them in 1810 and their lectures extended his education. in 1812 he attended public
lectures given by the great davy, thanks to him faraday determined his future career. in 1812 davy temporarily blinded in a laboratory explosion and faraday was recommended as a help. davy was employed at the royal institution, it was he who recommended faraday for employment. he became a laboratory assistant. so on the 1 of march 1813 an association began, which was to last all of faraday's working life.
thus faraday became assistant to davy, one the greatest scientists of the day. most of faraday's long list of scientific discoveries lie in the fields of chemistry and electricity. of his 158 published papers about half relate to electrical science. of course, all electrical and electronic engineers know that faraday made what is possibly most important discovery in electrical science: that of
electromagnetic induction, he established some of our common terms, including electrode, anode, cathode, electrolysis, electrolyte, paramagnetism and diamagnetism (which he discovered) and dielectric. besides, chemical engineers are proud of him too-for producing higher grade steels and for discovering benzene in 1825.
Ответов: 2
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